Year One
“Profound. . .really, words are inadequate”
I have noticed (while doing this program) that I am continually humbled by how much I have to learn and amazed at just how beautiful ‘I’ am!! I have a whole new sense of ease on my body and mind. I am much more mindful of my tendencies, habits, words, actions. I have more of a sense of the importance in honouring the seasons, the kleshas, the food. The devotional aspect of my practice has become more meaningful to me.”
“I am actively simplifying my life. . . “
“This has been a positive, enhanced learning experience. . . great faculty.”
“Thank you for your teachings Sandra!”
” I am feeling more grounded in my confidence to do this work.”
Year Two
“I would absolutely recommend this program to other people.”
“This is an extremely powerful learning format. The way you hold space feels both encouraging and leads towards self reflection and responsibility.”
“Great week Sandra. . Thank you so much!”
“I feel enriched and encouraged to make the practices my own and to be able to take them to my community. I am learning so much and appreciate all your knowledge, efforts and energy Sagarmurti, to make this a complete, positive and well-rounded program.”
“I was surprised personally about how powerful the mudras are.”
“…the most beneficial aspect of this module for me was to understand yoga as therapy. I also liked learning the chair yoga and the talk on Vedanta helped to broaden my understanding.”
Year Three
“Being part of this (PAYTA) Apprenticeship is an honour. I am very excited about this path. I deeply appreciate your teaching style and am deeply grateful to be part of this group. This has been a very positive and powerful experience for me.”
“Excellent content, materials and speakers.”
“I have great trust in your direction for this venture (PAYTA ), and the teachers reaching out to support this curriculum are a testament to how loved you are by your community. Thank you for extending your community to me!”
“I have a strong interest in both hatha yoga and ayurveda. I knew the moment I heard about this offering that it was for me, and when I met Sandra I was completely sure. I am healing my body, mind and spirit and the environment is safe, intelligent and productive. I have already recommended this program (PAYTA) to many.”
“I feel so grateful for this rare and precious opportunity (PAYTA). What a Gift!”
“Huge learning and great for my physical health.”