This 200hr Yoga Teacher Training sets the foundation for the 550hr Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Consultant Certification. Our 200hr YTT produces Yoga Teachers who are confident and well equipped to teach beginner to intermediate level classes, it is also open to Yoga students who simply want to learn more about Yoga to enrich their personal lives and do not intend to be instructors. It is held in Nanaimo one weekend per month for nine months. This program is registered with US Yoga Alliance and Canadian YA as RYT 200 level. It is recognized and respected worldwide.
From Integrative Yoga Therapy:
The IYT 200hr Yoga Teacher Training program gives students in-depth skills to teach Yoga as a vehicle for total wellness. Along with offering Yoga classes with a focus on health and wellness to the general public, IYT graduates teach Yoga-based wellness programs in a wide variety of complementary settings including hospitals, businesses, and health care settings. This program is registered with the Yoga Alliance as a 200-hour Teacher Training certification program (RYT-200).
Main Focus Areas of the Teacher Training Program
Individualized Teaching and Learning
Develop your Yoga teaching as part of your own unique life vision and mission. The Integrative Yoga Teacher Training Program is based in the vision of Yoga Therapy and as such is a solid foundation to continue studies to become a Yoga Therapist. We focus on an individualized approach with the understanding that the needs of students are unique. We believe that each Yoga teacher should receive comprehensive and in-depth instruction in the wider vision of Yoga as well as detailed experiential instruction/practice in the tools and techniques of Yoga. With this foundation, each teacher is given a range of possibilities for the creative teaching of Yoga from which they can evolve their own vision of the teaching process.
Experiential Approach to Education
Learn all the key concepts of teaching such as class design, sequencing, pacing, use of voice and instructions, and hands-on adjustments in a concise and clear format that is creative, comprehensive and interesting.
Take Your Teaching Beyond the Yoga Classroom
Learn to teach Yoga classes for specific focus groups such as medical settings, education, recovery and business as well as Yoga classes for the general public.
A Multidimensional Approach to Yoga Postures
Learn to teach asana through the Integrative Posture Principles. These principles facilitate a precise and in-depth understanding of how asanas work at physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual levels, and how to modify them for individual needs.
Understand Health and Illness
Learn the nature of health and illness from the Yoga perspective. Understand the role of stress in health and illness as well as the specific ways in which Yoga manages stress.
Interactive Psychology and Philosophy of Yoga
Learn the main aspects of the psychology and philosophy of Yoga in a way that is clear, well organized and can be integrated into your teaching and daily life. This study includes Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Texts of Hatha Yoga and The Five Kosha Model.
Creative, Student Centered Education
Learn to teach Yoga classes that are exceptional and creative, that develop a theme from start to finish; classes that involve your student at every level of their being and leave them with the complete experience of integration which is Yoga.
Explore the Deeper Practices of Yoga
Learn pranayama, mudras, bandhas, chakras, meditation, and Yoga Nidra in order to expand your horizons of Yoga teaching.
Nanaimo November to July, third weekend of each month (skip Dec.) 2020/21
Friday 1-5pm, Saturday 8:00am to 5:00pm, Sunday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Required Texts:
Integrative Yoga Therapy TOOL BOX
The Concise Book of Muscles by Chris Jarmey
BONUS Early Bird
$3000 Before August 1
- *not including meals or accommodation
- Price in CAD
- +GST
Early Bird
$3100 Before September1
- * Not including meals or accommodation
- Price in CAD
- +GST
Regular Price
- * Not including meals or accommodation
- Price in CAD
- +GST