Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Consultant

Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Consultant

This Ayurveda Yoga Therapy Teacher Training is currently in it’s eighth consecutive  year.

 It is offered by Sandra Sagarmurti Shotton  &  Faculty of  Island Yoga Vista

Have you been practicing yoga for a while now and are looking for your next step?

Are you a yoga instructor looking for more skills to offer your clients?

Can you see yourself taking your knowledge and experience out into your community to diverse groups ofpeople who would benefit from what you know? 

Are you inspired by yoga and want to share it?

Consider joining me for an in depth exploration of what Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda have to offer everyone.

Island Yoga Vistaʼs Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Consultant  program was born out of over 20 years of my own experience and studies and a deep desire to bring this simple clear wisdom to people who might not find themselves going to a regular yoga class.  I have presented this information to hundreds of people over the years and seen their lives change in the most beautiful ways.  The 550hr program is designed to give you all the skills and knowledge you need to do the same.  I will guide you through how to set up your business and make your offering a useful and productive part of your life as you inspire others to bring these timeless tools and wisdom into their lives.  You will learn to work one on with individuals as well as design and teach group classes for people with health conditions or other special considerations.

The program is designed in 10 modules to make it as affordable and flexible as possible. You can complete the entire program in one year or spread it out over 3 years.   My intention is to have this appeal to all 200hr level Yoga Teachers  wishing to learn more about how to apply this information therapeutically and effectively both in their own lives and to share with others. (It is also possible to just sign up for one of the modules)

These are the basic modules: 

ONE; Introduction to the program and review of Classical Yoga


TWO; Ayurveda in General  and Seasonal Cooking for Fall


THREE: Yoga Psychology


FOUR: Meditation Mantras Yantras Mudras


FIVE: Yoga Nidra and Ayurveda Marma Therapy


SIX:  Anatomy, Physiology and Energy Systems


SEVEN: Ayurveda Aromatherapy Seasonal Cooking for Spring


EIGHT:  Ayurveda in Practice and Marma Massage


NINE:Cycles of Stress & the Kleshas and Somatics


TEN:Taking PAYTA into Your Community


One Year to Complete Practicum

Home Study


 REGULAR Price    $3870 for Modules 1-10 not including meals or accommodation
Early bird pricing available as well as payment plans

The Level 3 – 450 hr Experienced Apprentice

training will be offered in Jaipur India in February 2023 at an Ayurvedic clinic.

Please contact this office at 250-754-0939