Wishing You a Happy & Healthy New Year – Welcome 2015

Dear Yogis and Friends

Warm wishes to all of you for a festive season and healthy New Year.

Island Yoga Vista has now been in business for 17 consecutive years,  in Nanaimo, – amazing!   Thanks to YOU!

This coming week will be the last week of classes for 2014,  a week later I leave for India for a few months.

Wendy Anthony will continue to teach a few of the regular classes on Tuesday evenings, one at 5:30pm and another at 7pm.

These will be the only classes offered until I return March 3.  Please register this week if you plan to attend, after Friday Dec. 19  registration will be closed.

Wendy is a recent graduate of the IYV – PAYTA teacher training and her classes are lovely.  The 9 week session starts the 6th of January 2015, the last class is March 3.

The regular class schedule will continue after that, registration will be at the first class.  I will be in touch again long before that.

I am off on an adventure that will include studies in Vedanta with Ramji in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, as well as writing and relaxing for a month in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

I am leaving lots of unscheduled time this trip for creativity and relaxation . The PAYTA program is being finely tuned with the assistance of  Dr. Kotecha and his team.

I will make an effort to share some of it on the blog on the IYV website  https://islandyogavista.com/blog/

There are changes in the air as always, these are exciting times of growth.  I anticipate that 2015 will be extraordinary.

I look forward to sharing that with you.

With Love





Sandra Sagarmurti Shotton   PAYT  ERYT500

Vastu Shastra Consultant
