A Fitting Intention for 2020

As this new home grown website launches softly into the ether with it is my intention for this year to become very very clear about life in all its aspects.
Clarity in communicating the knowledge that has been passed to me from the Sivananda Lineage of teachers in the paths of Yoga, Vedanta and Ayurveda that I am so very grateful to have studied with for most of my adult life and been honoured to teach daily now for over 2o years. We put together what I hope is an easy to approach format in this new website so that what you are looking for can be found.
I seek clarity also in my artwork both in direction as well as content and aspire towards simplicity there as well, leaving out the unnecessary and striving for purity and transparency.
Soon the new and ongoing work will be displayed and for sale on this website, for now you can see it on the FB and IG pages under the name Sandra Shotton ART
We begin the Monday night Vedanta Study Group starting March 2, 7-8pm, this is open to anyone seeking clarity in life’s mystery through the lens of the Upanishads. I am eager to continue this ongoing study with my colleague Yoga Acharya Thommas Michaud.
My intention is to share often on this blog in the areas of Vastu, Art, Ayurveda and Yoga and hope you will join me.
Hari Om Sandra Sagarmurti Shotton