I am writting this entry on the eve of Winter Solstice, December 2010 during a full moon, hours before a lunar eclipse, apparently the first in over 300 years on the solstice, I can feel the intensity of this changing time right down to my toes.
Solstice is a time for planting new seeds, letting go of the past, releasing old stories that are no longer a fit and exalting in new life. It seems an auspicious time to introduce to you the seeds of a new community growing here at Island Yoga Vista in Nanaimo.
First I would like to share with you a little about myself, it is part of the new story, to share more, be more open with people.
Fourteen years ago I left a significant relationship with two young children to raise, mostly on my own. At the same time I started Island Yoga Vista.
Yoga has been the foundation of everything that has passed in that time. it is how I raised my children as well as being what supported us. I worked at home, studied on-line, read hundreds of books and attended dozens of workshops as well as teaching 8-13 classes a week and seeing up to 10 individuals privately each week. In that time I have hosted monthly events mostly around yoga, music and painting and have travelled to India twice, being blessed with the opportunites to study Yoga, Ayurveda and Vastu Shastra with masters.
It has been an incredibly full and productive time and when I look back at it from this end I am amazed at the beauty of what has been created. Amazed mostly by these two young adults whom I respect and cherish more than anything. Amazed also by the wonderful community that has developed around this Yoga Studio.
This community is about to sprout new wings, in the form of a few of my closest friends joining me to offer their services and energy. In addition to this, I finally feel ready to step out and share with you more of the skills and knowledge which I have aquired over the past decade. It feels timely to join with others now after being on my own for so long. I am thankful that these people are in my life and sharing some of their time with me. Now they are here to share with you as well.
This ‘blog’ will now become the Communications pathway for you to join Thommas Michaud with excerpts from his emerging book that will allow us to journey with him and the holy people of India that he lived with during the many years that he spent there. Thommas will be teaching Chi Kung, Yoga and Tai Chi in four new classes starting this January. He is a skilled and gentle teacher.
Journey also with Anita Kalnay as she shares her lively musings on Ayurveda and Essences from her perspective as a Natural Perfumer, Master Blender, Yogini, Masseuse and Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Anita will be here one week per month offering her Ayurvedic Treatments and insightful Lifestyle Counseling. She has been my personal masseuse and healer for many years. We are cooking up some enticing workshops together that will be available in the new year.
My friend and teacher Dr. Kotecha has been writting on the benefits and practices of Ayurveda for countless years from his desk in Jaipur where he is a respected Vaidya (Ayurvedic Medical Doctor). He is here as a link and resource for the community so please ask questions, his answers will benefit us all.
I will be making an effort to share more from my perspective as an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, Lifestyle Counselor, Yoga Instructor, Artist and student of Vastu Shastra.
The four of us have independently been focusing on these Vedic Sciences for decades and have much to share, now is the time when it is most needed and now we are ready to make this offering. I believe that what Yoga, Ayurveda. Vastu and The Arts have to offer is what the world needs most now and I am deeply grateful that my life and chosen work have such purpose and meaning.
There will be educational opportunities for you to learn what Yoga, Vastu and Ayurveda actually are for those not familiar and plenty of practical offerings where you can experience and start to make this perspective work for you in your own life.
These are the Sciences of Life, of how to live in harmony with the planet, each other and ourselves. Our own bodies and minds are nurtured and healed with simple methods and every day lifestyle disciplines you can cost effectively do at home.
Keep checking in, our new story will engage this communications pathway as an active part of the centrer. . .Your Center for Living Yoga.
Thank you for being here, reading this and being interested in our growing community of Artists and Yogis. We hope we can serve you, meet you, share time and experience with you.
Namaste and Blessings to you at this auspicious time. Sandra Shotton