Professional Ayurveda Yoga Therapy Apprenticeship

2015-16 Professional Ayurveda Yoga Therapy Apprenticeship  250hr

 offered by Sandra Sagarmurti Shotton  &  Faculty of  Island Yoga Vista

Have you been practicing yoga for a while now and are looking for your next step?

Are you a yoga instructor looking for more skills to offer your clients?

Can you see yourself taking your knowledge and experience out into your community to diverse groups of  people who would benefit from what you know? 

Are you inspired by yoga and want to share it?

Consider joining me for an in depth exploration of what Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda have to offer everyone.

Nanaimo’s own 300 hr Professional Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist Apprenticeship program was born out of 19 years of teaching experience and studies along with a deep desire to bring this simple clear wisdom to all people.  So many people are not able to attend regular yoga classes yet are looking for a way to learn about yoga and benefit from it.  Yoga Therapy offers many ways to adapt and modify to meet any sort of health challenge or limitation.  My training is rooted in Integrative Yoga Therapy and fully developed through years of study in Ayurveda.

I have presented this information to hundreds of people over the past 19 years and have seen countless lives change in the most beautiful ways.  The 300hr program is designed to give you all the skills and knowledge you need to do the same.  It is a 300hr program for those with a 200hr training and a years worth of teaching experience .

(In October 2016 Island Yoga Vista will be offering the Integrative Yoga Therapy – 200hr Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training as it’s 200hr foundation and prelude to the PAYTA Training.. . .more to come on that soon!)

This year offers an excellent opportunity for serious students of yoga and yoga teachers to participate in a deeply enriching guided experience of Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda.  I will guide you through how to set up your business and make your offering a useful and productive part of your life as you inspire others to bring these timeless tools and wisdom into their lives.   You will learn to work one on one with individuals as well as design and teach group classes for people with health conditions or other special considerations.

The program is designed in 10 modules to make it as affordable and flexible as possible.  You can complete the entire program in one year or you can spread it out over two years.   My intention is to have this appeal to all serious students of yoga wishing to learn more about how to apply this information therapeutically and effectively both in their own lives and to share with others.

These are the basic modules: 

ONE; Introduction to Ayurveda Yoga Therapy

TWO; Ayurveda in General

THREE: Yoga Psychology

FOUR: Meditation Mantras Yantras Mudras

FIVE; Yoga Nidra

SIX;  Anatomy, Physiology and Energy Systems

SEVEN: Ayurveda in Practice

EIGHT; Cycles of Stress & the Kleshas

NINE: Taking AYT into Your Community

TEN: Home Study

 The programs will all be held at Island Yoga Vista, in the beautiful seaside town of Nanaimo, located on the east shore of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

As well as myself, Sandra Sagarmurti Shotton, the faculty includes a Physiotherapist from Saltspring Island,  Sannyasins from the Bihar School of Yoga, an Ayurvedic MD from Jaipur India, various local Ayurvedic Practitioners and Yoga Teachers all who enrich the program further adding their special interest areas. (see visiting faculty.. )

Please call me if you would like further information Sandra 250-754-0939

( Details are also on the website