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Island Yoga Vista Celebrates 20 Years in Nanaimo
This Yoga Studio started in 1997 with me teaching at 5 different locations in Nanaimo and Ladysmith, foremost among them the Diamond Light Centre that some of you will remember in that red brick building on Commercial Street.
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SOUR – The Rasas of Ayurveda
SOUR – The Rasas of Ayurveda -A Learning ExperienceThere are 6 tastes or RASAS recognized in the Ayurvedic diet. They are Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter and Astringent. They all have a relationship to the FIVE ELEMENTS and transmit the properties of the elements. We need a balanced diet containing all of the tastes in every meal, adjusted for personal requirements and seasonal concerns of course. It is a very satisfying and nutritionally sound way of eating as all…
Kitchari ( Kitchada) FALL SEASON
Kitchari (Kichada) FALL SEASON Kitchari is versatile, you can flavor it to suit your constitution or the season. This sample recipe is just a starting point for your own creativity. Eating this simple diet for periods of time gives your digestive system a rest. The basic ingredients for all kitchari are white basmati rice and split mung beans which form a complete protein and are easily digested. Add seasonal or constitutional spicing and fresh vegetable for a cleansing…
Incompatible Food Items
From Chakrapani Ayurveda. . . . Dear Readers, We all desire for a long and healthy life. To achieve this our daily diet plays a pivotal role. The old saying ‘We are what we eat’ should be ignored at no cost. A diet which has all essential nutrients, balanced, cooked in a proper manner, consumption of two or more food items not contrary in qualities to each other is considered good and wholesome for the body and that…
A Simple 5 Day Cleanse
A Simple 5 Day Cleanse To start the cleanse, drop dairy, wheat, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, all processed foods and any foods your body does not digest easily. First thing in the morning, after drinking a cup of warm (hot) water, take ghee or flax oil as follows: day 1 2tsp day 2 4tsp day 3 4tsp day 4 4tsp day 5 8tsp Sip warm water( hot) every 15 minutes and drink 2 litre room temp water every day. 15…
Daily Morning Lifestyle Routine
In our current 7 week session of weekly yoga classes we are exploring how to adopt an Ayurvedic lifestyle, by making simple changes … . . .here is a little sample of one of the weekly handouts that support our growing yogic practices. . . . . Dinacharya: The Daily Routine This daily routine has been adapted from several sources and enhanced based on my own experience. Add your own daily routines here and share them as part of the weekly lifestyle…
Professional Ayurveda Yoga Therapy Apprenticeship
2015-16 Professional Ayurveda Yoga Therapy Apprenticeship 250hr offered by Sandra Sagarmurti Shotton & Faculty of Island Yoga Vista Have you been practicing yoga for a while now and are looking for your next step? Are you a yoga instructor looking for more skills to offer your clients? Can you see yourself taking your knowledge and experience out into your community to diverse groups of people who would benefit from what you know? Are you inspired by yoga and want to share…
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Jaipur India February 2015
February 16, 2015Dear Yogis and FriendsIt is now mid February and I am well settled into my life here in Jaipur. Most mornings I work at the clinic, Chakrapani Ayurveda, then in the afternoons explore the city and surrounding area. The dry desert air is clear and the evenings still have a slight chill which is welcome after the muggy heat of the south The planning for the second level of the PAYTA training is almost complete. This was…
Wishing You a Happy & Healthy New Year – Welcome 2015
Dear Yogis and Friends Warm wishes to all of you for a festive season and healthy New Year. Island Yoga Vista has now been in business for 17 consecutive years, in Nanaimo, – amazing! Thanks to YOU! This coming week will be the last week of classes for 2014, a week later I leave for India for a few months. Wendy Anthony will continue to teach a few of the regular classes on Tuesday evenings, one at 5:30pm…
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World Yoga Day – Interview with Swami Niranjan
MANY THANKS TO SRI SANJEEV SHUKLA WHO KINDLY AFTER I ASK HE TRANSLATE THIS INTERVIEW OF THE GURUJI Swami Niranjan’s Interview: This is the FULL text of the interview of Swami Niranjan by NDTV Anchor Manish Kumar Background: The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appealed to the people across the globe to observe a day as the World Yoga Day, a move welcomed by the International community. In addition, there is a new Ministry established for Yoga and…
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Diwali and the Bliss of Ayurveda
Diwali and the Bliss of Ayurveda ‘Deep’ is the ‘light’ and vali is the ‘rows’, thus the “rows of light or the festival of light” is known as Deepavali or Diwali which spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. This is perhaps the most well-known of the Indian festivals. It is celebrated throughout India, as well as in Indian communities throughout the diaspora. It usually takes place eighteen…
Myths and Facts about Ayurveda
From Chakrapani Ayurveda. . . Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Ayurveda has been widely recognized as a system of natural healthcare congenial to the health needs of the modern world. However, despite its increasing popularity across the globe, many people are often hesitant in approaching Ayurveda. The main reasons could be that Ayurveda is associated with handful of myths and misconceptions. Though the treatment therapies of Ayurveda are widely sought around the world, people tend to have more delusions than…
about PAYTA
Island Yoga Vista is well established in the blending of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy, with 17 years of service offering Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy programs and sessions as well as teaching classical yoga classes. The purpose of this training is to make this broader perspective of yoga available through a traditional apprenticeship style of training., thereby expanding this ancient knowledge to people who may not be able to attend a regular yoga class for various reasons. This program grew out of an inspired vision…